Health & Safety
Our business is based on our people, and looking after our employees’ well-being and health has been one of the cornerstones of our success. We believe that we must actively ensure to undertake all necessary measures to mitigate any health risks, accidents at the workplace as well as societal health issues.
The Group recognizes it’s duty of care and will endeavor to do everything reasonably possible to safeguard the welfare of all staff members, along with the rest of the clients and general public that make use of its services.
Our Health and Safety Policy Goals
- Comply with all relevant legal requirements relating to health, safety and welfare at work;
- Encourage and maintain a health and safety working culture and environment derived from long term developed company health and safety policies and procedures
- Ensure all employees receive adequate training, information and instruction in the safety aspects of their work;
- Make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment together with information relating to the health, safety and welfare of the employees; and
- Ensure that all employees are kept fully aware of their responsibilities and that an effective employer/employee consultation facility exists.
All employees of Bonnici Group are responsible for their own safety, as well as the safety of others. Employees also have a duty to co-operate on any health and safety matters with the Group by:
- Following safe working practices and following specified codes of practice to work safely;
- Always using the correct protective safety equipment as provided
- Complying 100% to all safety procedures;
- Being vigilant and report any health and safety concerns to the appropriate supervisor;
- Always co-operating on health and safety matters with supervisors and managers;
- Always being aware of their own health and safety and that of other persons who could be affected by their actions or omissions
- Preventive and corrective mitigation measures are constantly being improved and implemented to eliminate and reduce health risks, giving our employees and customers an environment they are happy to work, and live in.